Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Response to Richard Louv's Nature-Deficit Disorder and the Restorative Environment

In the second paragraph of Louv's essay he talks about the decrease in Physical Education (P.E.) classes in school. I find this to be a huge problem that is only adding to the obesity of kids. I understand that children need to work harder in school and acquire higher test scores, but how about maybe extending school hours and adding just a class for standardized test practice. I remember when I went Beverly Hills High School in California, P.E. was a big deal. You had to run everday and we had fitness tests you had to pass throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, that is when you would have the big fitness test. We had 2 different instructors a semester, We played basketball, did weight training, swam in our olympic sized pool, did track, and danced. At the time, I did think this was  way too much work, but I was always fit and healthy so it definitely benefited me.
Photo By Wikipedia:
If you make this mandatory for students and stress the importance, they will do the work. They might not want to, but they do not want to fail P.E. After a while, they will not mind doing the exercise. It is important that this starts when they are in elementary school. Kids love to play and have a good time. I have never heard a kid say that they do not want to play. This will keep them active and they will be a lot healthier, especially since they are not watching what they eat. This is  great way for them to burn off all those unwanted calories. What sense is there to study if you are overweight and lazy? This is what is going to happen and of course their test scores will decrease. If kids are running around and exercising, they will obtain way more energy and their test scores will probably be a lot higher since they have more energy to study.
In the "Resotrative Environment" section of the essay, it discusses how kids with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)feel more calm outside. They are not as stressed and act better after playing outside. This could be for many reasons. When you are a kid, there is so much to explore outside and so much you can do. You can builld something or even have a scavenger hunt.
Photo By Tnwildside:
Regardless, you will be totally occupied. Since one of the main problems with kids of ADD and ADHD is their ability to focus, playing outside might be the best therapy. They are focusing on playing without even realizing it. This can help them focus more in school and in other aspects of their lives. This can be a natural way to help improve their disorder without taking medication.
In the "Nature's Ridalin" secion, it discusses the benefits of nature to kids with these disorders. This might be a cure. No one knows for sure, but there are a lot of benefits of nature and these kids might even have a deep connection with it. It could even be a spiritual connection that some of us will never be able to understand. If we think about, the ADD or ADHD kid is the only one who can tell you how nature makes them feel.

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